Thursday 26 February 2015

Year 3's exciting first week back!!!

We have been learning about Boudicca. The Romans decided to come and invade England and she fought back. Proper girl power!!!  We have been looking at poems written about her and performing them in class.  We have also been drawing beautiful pictures of what Boudicca might have looked like and written descriptions about her.

We also have been writing as part of the Radio 2's 500 word writing competition.  We came into school and found a massive egg that had been left, with a note asking us to look after it.  We then wrote stories about the egg and its adventures.

Year 3 spent Tuesday at Butser Hill Ancient Farm.  Whilst we were there we learnt how to weave fences,  we made copper rings, we became archaeologists and found loads of artefacts.  We also spent some time in the shop, which we all really enjoyed.  Best of all we looked around a Roman villa and created mosaics.  We really enjoyed talking to the pigs and trying to get them to come and see us, but they didn't really like the cold.  We all loved stroking the very friendly dog which lived with one of the guides.  We had our lunches in a lovely warm roundhouse sat around a fire on animal skins (such as  red deer), just like in the Iron Age.


Wednesday 25 February 2015

We all thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Butser Farm yesterday to kick start our new topic on invaders.

Keep your eyes peeled over the next couple of days to see photos and a blog post about the children's experiences from that trip!!!