Wednesday 22 April 2015

Quick post from Mrs Kinnaird

We have been getting some fantastic homework brought into school and I just wanted to share some of it with you.  We are just about to start our Human Body topic.  He homework over half term was to focus on teeth!

Before half term we also created volcano's and erupted them for the year 4's. Here are a few examples of them:


Last term we had a Where's Wally postcard competition and here are our winners and all of their fantastic work!  Well done everyone who took part in the day.

I have also just found a few photos of the winners from our Strictly Come Dancing Freegrounds Style competition which I thought I would share.  Hope you enjoy :-)

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Quick update

Last week we had Ed Wicke, an author come into school and he ran workshops and held assemblies.  They were really funny.

We have been making books about Pompeii and learning all about volcanoes.

The year threes have also been typing up their Non-chronological reports on the computers in the ICT suite.

This afternoon we have been acting out news reports read to help us with our newspaper articles tomorrow.

We are just so busy, that this is all for now!!

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Red nose day antics

Last Friday was Red Nose Day.  We all got to come into school in non-school uniform.  We could wear our red noses and could dress up in a funny costume.  We had a choice of Red Nose Day pizza or Red Nose Day Burgers for our hot school dinners.  For a small charity donation the children could throw custard pies at Mr Hopwood, Mr Banham and Mr Simmonds.  Have you heard of the man in the iron mask ?  Well Mr Hopwood was the man in the custard mask!!!  It was an epic day.

In Topic work we have been learning about Volcanoes and we have been drawing them.  All of year 3 have been looking at timelines and have been putting on events linking to invasions.  During Literacy lessons we have been writing Non-Chronological Reports about the Romans.  We have 3 fascinating facts for you:

1)  They had an emergency doctor near to the Roman Baths who would treat you if you were feeling unwell.  If you had a headache they would drill a hole into your skull!

2) When the rich Romans had Banquets, they called their servants to go and get a bucket so that they could go to the toilet in it without having to leave the table.

3)  In every street there was a bath that was for the people who lived on the street.  They had lady baths and mens baths

#rednoseday #romans

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Viking and Anglo-Saxon Invaders and World Book Day

Everyone chose fantastic costumes for world book day and some of them were really funny.  Year 3 all thought that it was phenomenal! Year 3 were very brave and  paraded their costumes to the whole school around the hall.  Our Head and Deputy Head Teachers all judged the competition brilliantly.  It was a tough decision.  George K and Sophie L scooped up the prizes for best in show.  We all went to the book fair and looked at some books we may wish to purchase with our £1 book token.

We looked at some pictures and video clips to learn about invaders.  All of us have been colouring in pictures of the Anglo-saxons and the Vikings and answering questions about them.  The Anglo-Saxons were invited to England to help the Celts in exchange  for farm land.  They came from North Western Europe in around AD450.  The Vikings came in AD800 from Russia searching for treasures from Monks because they were defenceless, food and land.

Each class in year 3 have been looking at a different area of Roman history.  3T have been looking at Roman Baths, 3K have been researching Roman foods and 3HP have looked at Roman Soldiers.  We have also been working on PowerPoint presentations in ICT.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Another amazing week at school!!!

Today we met the big mascot Rory, who is the Lion mascot for the Ageas Bowl.  He was here to tell us about world book day on Thursday and also the 30 day book reading challenge.  We have to read thirty times this month!!!  If we manage to do that we will get a Gold Certificate.  It is going to be a hard challenge but we are going to be supported along the way with video messages about reading from some top cricketers.  The class that read the most at home will have a surprise visit from a famous cricketer in their classroom.  How cool is that???  We had a photographer there to take photos for the newspapers as Sainsbury's are sponsoring us to have this wonderful experience!  We are going to use our Learning to Learn skills to help us to be resilient to reach this goal.

We have been writing poems about Boudicca in literacy and to help us learn more about invaders.  It has been a lot of fun persuading a Roman Emperor such as Julius Caesar to invade Britain in out Topic time too.

We have been putting up ideas for this blog in the year 3 shared area and we think that it is going really well. We have a year group assembly to write the blog together and we give it the thumbs up.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Year 3's exciting first week back!!!

We have been learning about Boudicca. The Romans decided to come and invade England and she fought back. Proper girl power!!!  We have been looking at poems written about her and performing them in class.  We have also been drawing beautiful pictures of what Boudicca might have looked like and written descriptions about her.

We also have been writing as part of the Radio 2's 500 word writing competition.  We came into school and found a massive egg that had been left, with a note asking us to look after it.  We then wrote stories about the egg and its adventures.

Year 3 spent Tuesday at Butser Hill Ancient Farm.  Whilst we were there we learnt how to weave fences,  we made copper rings, we became archaeologists and found loads of artefacts.  We also spent some time in the shop, which we all really enjoyed.  Best of all we looked around a Roman villa and created mosaics.  We really enjoyed talking to the pigs and trying to get them to come and see us, but they didn't really like the cold.  We all loved stroking the very friendly dog which lived with one of the guides.  We had our lunches in a lovely warm roundhouse sat around a fire on animal skins (such as  red deer), just like in the Iron Age.


Wednesday 25 February 2015

We all thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Butser Farm yesterday to kick start our new topic on invaders.

Keep your eyes peeled over the next couple of days to see photos and a blog post about the children's experiences from that trip!!!