Wednesday 18 March 2015

Red nose day antics

Last Friday was Red Nose Day.  We all got to come into school in non-school uniform.  We could wear our red noses and could dress up in a funny costume.  We had a choice of Red Nose Day pizza or Red Nose Day Burgers for our hot school dinners.  For a small charity donation the children could throw custard pies at Mr Hopwood, Mr Banham and Mr Simmonds.  Have you heard of the man in the iron mask ?  Well Mr Hopwood was the man in the custard mask!!!  It was an epic day.

In Topic work we have been learning about Volcanoes and we have been drawing them.  All of year 3 have been looking at timelines and have been putting on events linking to invasions.  During Literacy lessons we have been writing Non-Chronological Reports about the Romans.  We have 3 fascinating facts for you:

1)  They had an emergency doctor near to the Roman Baths who would treat you if you were feeling unwell.  If you had a headache they would drill a hole into your skull!

2) When the rich Romans had Banquets, they called their servants to go and get a bucket so that they could go to the toilet in it without having to leave the table.

3)  In every street there was a bath that was for the people who lived on the street.  They had lady baths and mens baths

#rednoseday #romans

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